Jennifer Koster
Posted by Sylvie Greil on
My journey with Jenette Skin Care began ten years ago when an accidental Groupon purchase led me in for a facial with Jenette. The depth of her knowledge about skin and well-being immediately impressed me and within moments she diagnosed my skin as sensitive, severely dehydrated and predicted things about my lifestyle – all from looking at my face. At the time, my pores were large, my skin had blotchy dry spots and I was using all of the wrong products. After seeing her regularly for about 6 months, friends and colleagues starting to notice and commented about how great I looked and inquired about what I was doing.
Before Jenette, my skincare routine was applying some overpriced moisturizer in the am before make-up. I rarely cleansed and sometimes used a scrub to slough off dry skin and relied on facials every couple months for a refresh. Through her I learned about proper skincare, how to read labels to understand WHAT I was putting on my skin and how nutrition impacts my skin. When I finally asked what she was using on my skin, she told me she was formulating her own products – and I told her she needed to bottle it up and start selling it – then she did.
For Jenette, skincare is not just putting something on your skin that smells or feels nice. It is nourishing the skin with a carefully formulated combination of natural ingredients known for their healing properties that also smell and feel nice. I have tried dozens of products and experienced that most don’t work, don’t smell nice, don’t have a good texture, and I have never found a whole line where I liked every product – until Jenette Skincare.
Today, my skincare routine consists of a morning and night routine using her method of layering for the best absorption and most effective results. I have the entire line of products and use them daily, both evening and night and my skin looks better than ever.
~ Jennifer Koster
- Tags: all natural skin care, all natural skin care products, all natural skincare, aloe vera, blog, clean living, clean skincare, ingredients clean skincare, jenette all natural skin care, jenette all natural skincare, jenette skin care, jenette skincare, sensitive skin cleanser, Skin Journey, skin rituals, skincare testimonial, testimonial
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