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Tween Skin Care - An Easy Routine

Posted by Barbara Barnes on
Tween Skin Care - An Easy Routine

Setting up your tween with an efficient skin care routine as they approach puberty is a true gift that will keep on giving. As their hormonal changes begin to affect their skin you may start to see changes in their skin’s appearance, along with their moods!  This is when you want to encourage them to start a simple, yet effective natural skin care ritual. It’s never too early to teach your kids self care. 

Many tweens start off with oily t-zones or the emergence of black heads and pimples.  While you may be partial to using chemical-based skin care solutions to achieve that squeaky-clean feeling, this could be harming your tween’s skin and body, both in the short and long term.

By stripping your tweens' natural oils, you could trigger the sebaceous glands to go into overdrive which can make any skin condition worse. Adopting a more natural routine offers a much safer and simpler alternative that will help balance your tween’s skin and give them a confidence boost.


In the morning we recommend using a natural sunscreen after misting the face with Be Happy Brightening Toner or Be Clean Detoxifying Toner .

A great non toxic sunscreen is Epicuren’s Zinc Oxide, SPF 27. It's hypoallergenic, anti bacterial, calming, non-toxic and doesn’t leave you pasty white. $43

Alternatively, my kids love the Jane Iredale Powder Me Spf 30, this is on the Safe Board of Cosmetics for not causing cancer and has the seal of approval from the Skin Cancer Foundation!  It's in an easy to use powder sponge dispenser.  She has 3 colors dependent on how fair or dark you are. $44 

The following evening ritual uses our Green Tea Superfood Facial Bar, Be Happy Brightening Toner, Be Clean Detoxifying Elixir and Be Nourished Apple Stem Cell moisturizer.

Step 1: Rinse dirt and sunscreen of thoroughly with warm water.

Step 2: Cleanse with Green Tea Superfood Facial Bar, spreading evenly over dampened face and neck, avoiding eye area. Make sure to cleanse for a good 30 sec. Rinse thoroughly and dry with clean washcloth.

Step 3: Apply 4-6 sprays of Be Happy Brightening Toner to gauze pad and wipe entire face.

Step 4: Press 3-5 drops of Be Clean Detoxifying Elixir evenly over entire face.

Extra Step: If feeling extra dry, apply a dime size amount of Be Nourished Apple Stem Cell Moisturizer evenly over entire face.

Finally, if you would like to see the evening ritual in action, head over to our Instagram, the routine is featured in our story highlights. 

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